Phase 3: HQ Development and National Expansion (Months 31–36)

Month 31–36: Preparing for National Expansion

  • Key Milestone: Scaling to other cities begins after Cohort 1 and 2 have successfully graduated.
    • Action Items:
      • Finalize HQ development in Brooklyn (facility should be fully operational and designed for national training programs).
      • Evaluate and refine the program model based on NYC cohort data (including health improvements, cost-effectiveness, and logistics).
      • Start seeking new partnerships for satellite locations in other cities and recruit additional staff to scale the program.
      • Begin fundraising and partnership development for expansion.

End of Month 36: National Program Launch

  • Key Milestone: Official national program launch.
    • Action Items:
      • Utilize NYC’s success stories and data to expand into new cities with a solid foundation.
      • Begin the next cohort in targeted cities outside of NYC (using the satellite model).
      • Start building out support systems for national operations.

Summary of Key Adjustments:

  1. 30-Month Focus on NYC: The first 30 months will be dedicated to refining the program and ensuring the success of the first 100,000 participants in NYC (across all boroughs). Scaling to other cities will not begin until Month 31.
  2. Phased Expansion: The first phase is entirely focused on optimizing Cohort 1 and Cohort 2, and evaluating long-term outcomes.
  3. National Expansion: National rollout to other cities will begin after Month 30, using the NYC experience to ensure smoother transitions and scalability.