Snack (Choose) A Destination
Got the urge for a “snack” … We all get it. Think of a “snack” like a “destination”. When you get in your car, on a train, bus, etc … you have a “destination” in mind. And with that “destination” there is a “purpose”. Well, “snacking” has a purpose too… quell the craving for something to eat! Modern day pace of hustle and bustle often sidetracks us from making a ‘better decision”. Your snack “destination” needs to be a place that has “benefits” for you when you arrive. No, not the benefits that come with “special friendships” lol. The benefits that come with giving your body something of value such as vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, nutrients … (we will cover that in another blog) … pick a “destination” that will be rewarding to your body. A “destination” that has sugary, oil gooey, super size crunch that busts up in yuh mouth, fried rind (with the fur still on) … is not the “better option”! For now … to keep this short and sweet … go to “Nutlandia”, “Fruit Street”, “Veggie Town” and get your snack on there! Choose the Better Option. Snack at places where the benefits are lasting. Not at the places that are a total waste of time visiting (and the bad memories stay with you long after).
Let’s help each other discover healthy option snack “destinations” … Share with us your “snack destinations” in the comment section below and on our Facebook Page.
– By: Keith Dorsette (“KD”) –
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