5. Reduced Addiction and Substance Abuse Rates

BenefitEstimated Monetary ValueJustification
Reduced Addiction Treatment Costs$40,000,000 (Savings in Treatment and Rehabilitation)Offering drug counseling and wellness workshops can significantly reduce addiction rates, saving the city and state money on rehabilitation and law enforcement interventions.
Improved Mental Health Services$30,000,000 (Savings in Mental Health Crisis Costs)Access to mental health resources and life coaching, as well as reduction in drug use, will lead to fewer mental health crises, lessened dependency on emergency mental health services, and reduced hospitalization.

6. Long-Term National Scale Impact (Scaling to 350MM Population)

BenefitEstimated Monetary ValueJustification
Nationwide NCD Reduction (Impacting 350M)$2,500,000,000 (Healthcare Savings)If replicated nationally, the CHoNY model could potentially reduce NCD-related healthcare spending by 10% across the country. Reductions in chronic illness and related costs would save billions annually in healthcare.
Job Creation Nationwide$1,000,000,000 (Jobs for 10,000+ People)Expanding CHoNY HQ facilities across the U.S. would create tens of thousands of full- and part-time jobs in healthcare, wellness, and vocational training sectors, boosting local economies.
National Crime Reduction$250,000,000 (Savings in Criminal Justice System)If the program successfully reduces crime rates, the broader national impact would result in decreased costs for law enforcement, courts, and prisons nationwide.

7. Total Value Generated Annually (NYC + Nationwide)

| Total Value Generated (NYC) | $1,200,000,000 | From community health, job creation, crime reduction, and productivity gains. | | Total Value Generated (Nationwide) | $4,800,000,000 | If scaled nationally, CHoNY could impact healthcare costs, crime rates, and job creation across the entire U.S. |

II. Community Building and Social Impact, Health and Wellness Education

III. Reduced Addiction and Substance Abuse Rates, Long-Term National Scale Impact (Scaling to 350MM Population)

IV. Value Conclusion