3. Scaling Out Nationally to the U.S. (350 Million Population)

National Impact: 350 Million

  • Health Improvements and NCD Prevention: Scaling CHoNY’s model to cities across the U.S. will address the root causes of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)—including poor diet, lack of exercise, and stress—and provide sustainable solutions that reduce the incidence of these diseases. The national health crisis of NCDs currently accounts for over 70% of U.S. healthcare spending and nearly half of all deaths in the U.S.
    • National Health Outcome: Nationwide, CHoNY’s model could reduce chronic diseases by 30-40% over the next 10-15 years, saving billions of dollars in healthcare costs. These savings will come from preventing hospitalizations, reducing emergency care visits, and lowering long-term healthcare needs for NCD patients. For example, the CDC estimates that preventing diabetes could save the U.S. healthcare system $237 billion annually.
  • Economic Impact: By creating job opportunities and increasing economic stability, the CHoNY model will support economic growth at a national level. The job creation associated with vocational training, healthcare services, and community support will result in a more economically stable population, reducing reliance on government welfare programs.
    • National Economic Outcome: Nationally, over a decade, hundreds of thousands of jobs will be created, which will directly contribute to the reduction of poverty rates and the lowering of public welfare spending by several billion dollars annually.
  • Crime Reduction and Public Safety: The model’s focus on economic opportunity, mental health, and community engagement will significantly reduce the structural conditions that contribute to criminal behavior across the nation. This is especially true in urban areas with high levels of unemployment and community trauma.
    • National Crime Outcome: On a national level, CHoNY’s approach could contribute to a 10-15% reduction in crime across cities where it is implemented, based on the strong correlation between economic opportunity and crime reduction. This could also save the U.S. billions of dollars annually on law enforcement and criminal justice costs.
  • Social Outcomes: Family Stability, Education, and Addiction: The vocational training, life coaching, and family support services will lead to stronger family units, fewer youth crimes, and lower addiction rates across the country. The focus on addiction prevention will particularly benefit communities plagued by substance abuse issues.
    • National Social Outcome: Expect a 5-10% increase in two-parent households and a 15-20% reduction in addiction rates nationwide over 10-15 years. These outcomes will help break cycles of poverty and addiction, while saving billions in healthcare and social services.