Introduction to “Uptick”

Three Steps To A Better You;

Virtual Corporate Wellness Program (VCWP) 

Over the past few years, our world has become more hybrid than ever. So many of us are no longer commuting to work, interacting among one another at the work place in person and returning to the comfort of our homes. While this newer approach to performing our work has it’s advantages, it also has some disadvantages. These disadvantages have a strong impact on our overall well being. While we knowingly perform work for our employers, we simultaneously and perhaps unknowingly are neglecting our own personal wellness. This neglect increases our risk to health issues across the board. There are a variety of solutions to mitigate such risks and reverse the curve.

Over the past decade, SAAF has delivered corporate wellness programs for a handful of publically traded companies (Mcdonalds, Coca Cola, Volkswagen, Isuzu, Honda, I Am Gold) with very strong and lasting results for the participants and the company as a whole. SAAF has modified these programs to retro fit into the environment of the remote workforce. If your remote workers have enough space to take Three Steps in each direction, they are well positioned to get outstanding results. With over 4,000 graduates, SAAF is ready willing and able to improve the quality of life for your remote workers and increase the overall productivity of your workforce.


We understand what is at stake over the long term for you (the remote worker) and for you (the company). The remote worker by default of being homebound, is less active and more likely to gain weight and increase the risk of impactful health conditions. The company is at risk of the workforce being less productive, attentive, cohesive and present due to increased sick days needed. All of the above affects the production level bottom line, profits and share value.

​We tackle these risks from the root of the cause. That being, changes within the daily lifestyle of the workforce that seamlessly integrates within their remote environment. Our coaching team is able to meet the workforce where they are at to ensure no one is left behind and all of them succeed as a team. Our team is comprised of a consortium of health professionals that include doctors, nurses, physical therapists, master trainers, dieticians, nutritionists and psychologists. Consider us as your corner crew in a championship fight. In this fight, there is no belt to win. There is additional life to win and additional life that is condition free.

​Our goal is to bring out the very best in your workforce and celebrate their journey to better health. And for the company, the goal is improve overall productivity which translates into increasing share value.

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